How to engage Autistic child

We are working parents. During lockdown we also need to work from home. Nowadays he is enaging in his car. I tried to engage him in different play but he is not taking interest. Is it good to play him with his car .

To answer your query , u need to observe does the obsession, routine or repetitive behaviour restrict your  son's  opportunities, cause distress or discomfort, or impact on learning? If not, then it may not be necessary to intervene. If it is causing difficulties, or is in some way unsafe, they may need support to stop or modify the behaviour, or reduce their reliance on.
Many a times its been observed that the children out grow their object fixation on their own. However if u feel that he is spending too much time with his car u can use it : 

1. As reinforcement

2. As teaching tool such as direction , counting , colour concept etc . 

Also provide him alternative activity . Engage him with craft activity , some cooking may be . Use your imagination and creativity.

Reply by: Ms. Pratima Tiwary

Dear parents, 

Excess of anything is never noted as good option, but as we all well aware of current situation. I suggest let him explore with his cars on dominant part but always  keep an eye on his behavior he shows while playing with cars.

Please give him your time. 

Reply by: Ms. Anjali Sharma   

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